Joey Ramone

Joey Ramone born May 19, 1951 as Jeffrey Ross Hyman, was a vocalist and songwriter for the punk rock group the Ramones. A chronic sufferer of OCD, he was one of the first artists to join the Artists United Against Apartheid ban of Sun City in 1985.

Joey Ramone died of lymphoma at New York-Presbyterian Hospital on April 15, 2001.
Judy is a punk

Jackie is a punk Judy is a runt
They both went down to Berlin, joined the Ice-capades
And oh, I don’t know why oh, I don’t know why
Perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah
Perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah

Second verse, same as the first Jackie is a punk Judy is a runt
They both went down to Berlin, joined the ice capades
And oh, I don’t know why oh, I don’t know why
Perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah
Perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah

Third verse, different from the first Jackie is a punk Judy is a runt
They both went down to Frisco, joined the Sla
And oh, I don’t know why oh, I don’t know why
Perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah
Perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah perhaps they’ll die, oh yeah

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